
Why Alloy Wheels?

This is a personal blog primarily about Alloy Wheels, as I personally find alloys to be alluring and compelling when it comes to the improvement and look of a car. Yes that can be deemed sad, but when you love something enough you want to spend your time talking about it!!

What About Other Parts of The Car?

Then I thought, well it’s not just alloy wheels that I love, its all aspects of cars. From the design, handling, speed, look, anything and everything about the automobile but if I was to single one thing out it would be alloy wheels in general. And so although the title of this blog refers to solely alloys, it is about all things cars too. Its just a case of sharing my passion, of the things I like, and maybe hate, about various makes and models and all things cars!

I think you get the gist!

Check out how a standard Ford Focus improves its look – just by changing to DOTZ Alloy Wheels